A piece of my mind ....

September 06, 2005

Ganaraj Rangi Nachato ....

It's Ganesh-chaturthi tommorow. Lord Ganesha has already arrived at my place. The next two days shall be the most sacred and fullfilling in the entire year. The Ganapati festival brings a lot of enthusiasm, pleasure and equanimity into individuals. It's a festival of the god of wisdom - Lord Ganesha.

" Vakratunda Mahakaya Suryakoti Samaprabha

Nirvighnam Kurume-Deva Sarva Karyeshu-Sa-Sarvada.

Gananath Saraswati Ravi Shukra Bruhaspati

Panchaitani Smare Nityam Veda-Vani Prayostute.

Guruh-Bramha Guruh-Vishnu Guruh-Devo Maheshwara

Guruh-Sakshat Parabramha Tasmai Shree Namo-Namaha. "

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Ganapati Bappa Moraya SSSSSSSSSSSSSS ........ !!!
