A piece of my mind ....

March 08, 2005

Success !!!

SUCCESS .... the one word that drives us throughout our lives ! Either to achieve it or to achieve more ...

SUCCESS .. a word that start with S and ends with a SS. The first S means 'struggle' and the last SS mean even more harder struggle .. to keep yourself on the ground and to launch yourself onto another pinnacle.

SUCCESS is 'Start' for some and 'Destination' for others. It is much wiser to think of it as a start than a destination and only a fool makes such a mistake. Success as a start provides you with a launch pad that fuels the desire to achieve more and become better; whereas success as a destination sucks out every bit of that ever burning desire to gain more ...

SUCCESS is what you think of it ... it is very relative in it's interpretations and works very much in tandom with the person's mindset. Success can make you go the distance and more ... on the other hand it can also make you ride the downslide in your innocence and bang your forehead against the ground (read - reality) and that is when you realize that you were wrong in your interpretation of success.

SUCCESS plays on an individual's mind ! It makes some help the others to succeed and gain the similar position they are at and on the other hand it also makes some to play dirty games to stop other people succeed in their efforts of elevating their standards. And I have to say quite shamefully that "Indian Politics" does provide a very good example of the later case in an otherwise beautiful country. And make no bones about it ... coz, it is what it is ......

SUCCESS is about failures too ! and not just that but about one's ability to learn from mistakes !! ... So, the more you fail, the more you learn and the higher you get !!! It's a dynamic process and not a single stagnant element. What is evolution is about ? What is the meaning of "Survival of the fittest" ? What are we humans a product of ? ... billions and trillions of mistakes. How a toddler learns to walk? not before she falls and gets hurt a bit ... that's SUCCESS for you.

Here's what success is to Legendary Basketball player, Michael Jordan -

So, what is success to you?

Till next time ...

Take care.
