A piece of my mind ....

September 12, 2007

Life's Bitch!

Well, this kind of statement looks very out of place from someone with positive attitude, who's practically living (or wishes to live .. or .. believes to be living in) in an ideal world, someone with never say die attitude ... but as you open your eyes far and wide and shine a spotlight on the "realities" or so called "bare-truths" of cotemporary world .. you soon realize the dire need to adapt yourself (so that even you would be as thick-skinned, as robotic, as overtly practical as almost everyone around you) .. and face the music with a smile on your face!

Here are some of the funniest bits (or serious bits made funny .. whatever works for you!) of that process of getting adapted ...

1. My sleep cycle -

Monday - I love sleep .. I think a sound sleep is like a tonic to your body ...
Tuesday - I should sleep now, it already too late ...
Wednesday - Yawwwwn! (Red eyes) Darn it! I need sleep (zzzzzzzzzz!) ....
Thursday - I think I can sleep a little later, I've got too much to do ....
Friday - Dude, 3-4 hours of sleep is a lot for a day and in any case I have two days of weekend to compensate for that ...
Saturday and Sunday - "But, why isn't he picking up the phone?" .. someone answers "Coz, he's dead .. err .. sorry .. running his 2 day sleep-marathon"
Monday - (Must sleep .. drooping eyelids .. coffee score is already past 4 at least ..) I love sleep .. I think a sound sleep is like a tonic to your body ...

2. My work cycle -

Monday - The graph starts on the negative "Y" axis (Y axis can be generlly defined as the "affinity axis" which includes enthu-index, energy-index, sleep-index, work-load-index, mood-index, boss's-mood-index, boss's-presence-index, and uncalled-for-casuality-index .. several others may be accounted here .. but these are the major ones!). It lingers there for quite a while and then as a sudden surge of voltage (a common phenomenon in b'lore! ;)) it starts picking up ... after planning for entire day and some meetings it soon crosses the zero mark and so the real workday begins ..
Tuesday - The curve rises quite steeply and most of the planned tasks are done ... at the same time there's bit of tiredness after working till 1-2 am through the night .. Vmax is in sight ...
Wednesday - the curve almost reaches its Vmax .. but, sudden realization that there are still 3 days to go .. the inhibition works and curve lowers itself a bit to sustain the activity .. shop closed before 1 am ...
Wednesday - As the day passes the inhibition is slowly released and there's a slight hint of coming weekend nearby ... the curve soon reaches its Vmax and there's sudden tired feeling .. back starts hearting .. eyes become red and start watering .. basically one finds every possible excuse to stop working .. and the curve begins its downward journey .. not too fast though ... it's still two days away from weekend ..
Thursday - it has already begun its descend .. you can feel the brunt and the toll taken by your body and mind [sometimes soul too .. when one has to indulge into heated discussions with boss .. these mostly end up concluding how crappy you (... your work, your attitude... you this .. your that .. and much more ...) are ..] .. crosses the Vmax/2 .. the feeling of tiredness is too heavy now ...
Friday - The curve magically aquires a will of its own and starts running downwards ... there's holiday in the air .. plans being made for the weekend .. jokes being shared .. movie tickets are being boocked .... who can work in all this mess?? ... somehow, something happens on the computer .. someone punches random keys .. you continue your vacation on the "Dozer's Island" ... the day ends below zero ...
Saturday and Sunday - Nobody has dared extrapolating the graph here .. may be they ran out of paper below zero ... be warned and do not waste time ... help the curve to gain negative-infinity!
Monday - Curve to himslef - "Darn! Why do they make me climb all the way up everytime? It's too much of work .. it ain't worth it!" :D

Funny ehh? .... Be serious damn it ...


Nah, man! Just messing with you .... It is funny! :D

Have fun working! :P

- Amar