A wind-whirl .....
A wind-whirl it is .... and a forcefull one at it ... I was totally blown away by it and now trying to gather myself up !! It was a very starnge day in many ways ..... raised so many questions ... the answers I search frantically ... coz, I need them ... as early as it can be ......... I wondered what the future withholds for me .... should I step ahead or step a foot back ?? ... should I listen to my Brain or my mind ..........
It'll only be put off tommorow .... as I go hunting for the answers ... and I am confident that I WILL find atleast some of them ....
Few days back I'd read a fortune for Taurians in local news-papaer ..... it said that the coming year shall bring some radical changes in your life at many levels ..... is this wind-whirl a part of it ? .. or just my mind-games .... who to ask ? ..... TIME certainly ....
I'll have to be patient ... and take things in bits as and when they come ...
I am actually looking forward to some radical changes in life this year ..... but is the fortune teller in synchrony with me ? .... I only wish so ....
One thing is sure though .... if anyone's going to make it any better , then it's no one else but ME ... so, make sure you work your ass off Amar ... this year ...
So many - ' I want to ...' ... so many - ' I don't know.' .... but just one - ' I '.
let's wait for tommorow ....
but before I go here's a thought ...

and I suppose I'll have to take one ....
will tell you about it later...
till then ...
take care. bye !