The excitement of my new blog was so much so that I kept thinking about what I shall write today. And the result is quite obviously I don't know what to write today. This is what excitement and too much thinking can do to you. It was so funny that I was actually figuring out the title for the upcoming post almost the entire day and still couldn't decide on any perticular subject, let alone the title. Had I been pretty cool about this whole "Blog" thing, I am sure that I would've written something readable. So, the message is, ' Keep it COOL ' !!
But I am that kind of person who gets excited by even a smallest and stupidiest looking thing or by a small, insignificant (to others) incidence ..... and there are times when even a considerably serious incidence can't fire my nerves ..... strange, indeed !! ... I'll tell you an incidence like that .... ' once I had gone to meet a senior of mine to Malad (a suburban area of mumbai). We met ..... chatted and then I left .... I took the elivator, pressed "G" key and waited for doors to close ... and they closed ... perfect .... elivator was set in motion ... the elivator was going down from the 7th floor to the ground floor .. and suddenly the power went off .... I was stuck in that elevator alone ... didn't know exactly at which floor i'm stuck .... was in a such a situation for the first time .... now any average ( or even below average) I.Q. person would 've shouted for help .... but I ? ... I did not ... I was amazingly calm .... instead I pressed my ear next to the doors and tried to take account of any noises coming from outside .... when I heard a sweeper and a lady talking outside the elivator (probably in the corridor) .... only then I banged the elivator door with all the energy that I had got and yelled for help. After almost a half an hour drama the doors were opened and I was released from that un-wanted prison .... huhhh ! ..... What was wrong with me ? or was it my presence of mind .... ??
Today a good friend of mine, Amit Kundanani .. in short, Amit ran a 42 k.m. mumbai marathon for Tsunami Relief Fund .... a truly great effort for charity .... I don't know his timings as I have to call him yet ... but i'm sure that he must've completed the race and made his girlfriend proud of him .....
this is Amit ....

Yesterday I met two of my school mates after a long time .... Rohan had come to Saurabh's house in Thane ... they called me up when I was in train near Mulund .... I went to Saurabh's place afterwards ... we had a really good time together .... the mood was very much nostalgic ... five years back I wouldn't have imagined such a scene ... at school we were not the best of the friends .... but, it's the touch of time that changes everything .... and 5 years after school there we were chatting about good ol' school days , sipping up a hot cup of coffee ... the change in everybody is so noticable and yet so delightful. I can bet that we are much better friends now than what we were some years before.
Here's our snap .... Saurabh is sitting just next to me and rohan is last in left hand corner standing ... and the rest are my other scool mates ... it was taken on our reunion day !
take a look ...

It's such a wonderful journey .. journey of realtionships .. of mental clashes ... of individual abilities to understand the other person ..... a journey that you would want to take forever.....
that brings me to my favorite quote on 'Friends' by Albert Gamus .....
I just love those lines and follow them too ....
that's it for today folks ... a friend of mine is bugging me on "what is blog ?" ...
so i must finish this one and show it to him to explain what it is really ..... :))
till then .... it's bye from me .... take care.